"First of all - today I saw a killer whale's penis and...(insert puase) that's really something I could have lived without."
~coldenginelogic/binky mcqueen on the onslaught of the day's history channel exerpts.
This made me laugh and laugh and laugh.
Is all.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Fonz, Binky McQueen says, "May the Fonz be with you."
~coldenginelogic/binky mcqueen on the onslaught of the day's history channel exerpts.
This made me laugh and laugh and laugh.
Is all.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Fonz, Binky McQueen says, "May the Fonz be with you."
PS you and the Binkster have a beautiful family!