I have joined a couple of parenting groups on the various sites we belong to and I have chosen to remain silent as I peruse the accumulation of opinions expressed with astonishing superiority. I do realize that many of these groups are designed specifically for debate for the sole sake of arguing as opposed to expressing calm and compact wide-ranging opinions concerning varied parenting techniques or methods. This is why I dont participate, but I do have this to say. What a load of HORSESHIT. I swear. I have one tried and true factor in the establishment of my parenting technique, which granted is only 8+ years old, but it seems to have produced quite phenomenal results. My children will always know they are loved and special, will always be well fed and clothed and will always have a roof over their heads. When we hit rock bottom our daughter had nary a clue that we were existing in such dire straits because her world was not rocked she was comfortable and warm and loved and fed and, if you take even one basic psychology course in college, they will tell you that these are the essentials necessary for a good foundation.
All this garbage about breast feeding vs. formula feeding, stay-at-home mothers vs. working mothers, immunization vs. non-immunization, circumcision vs. capped weenie, whether or not I can take excruciating pain during my labor past hour 20 vs. no epidural - it is quite literally nauseating.
I blame the internet.
The effortless access to an overabundance of information ranging anywhere from the fanatics who say this is the ONLY way to the complete opposite side of the spectrum (all with their ready to serve tried and true goddamned statistics) who say absolutely DO NOT do this, it is enough to make me stop reading it all together.
But no, I would rather spew my distaste here amongst my small handful of friends. Because I am that much of a glutton for punishment.
However, not a damned one of them could ever convince me to do any of it over again or differently...I give you the perfect product of my parenting technique and bid you kindly..."good day."
All this garbage about breast feeding vs. formula feeding, stay-at-home mothers vs. working mothers, immunization vs. non-immunization, circumcision vs. capped weenie, whether or not I can take excruciating pain during my labor past hour 20 vs. no epidural - it is quite literally nauseating.
I blame the internet.
The effortless access to an overabundance of information ranging anywhere from the fanatics who say this is the ONLY way to the complete opposite side of the spectrum (all with their ready to serve tried and true goddamned statistics) who say absolutely DO NOT do this, it is enough to make me stop reading it all together.
But no, I would rather spew my distaste here amongst my small handful of friends. Because I am that much of a glutton for punishment.
However, not a damned one of them could ever convince me to do any of it over again or differently...I give you the perfect product of my parenting technique and bid you kindly..."good day."
20 random things about yourself