well it's friday night....
if your anything like me you sat at home and watched Empire Records with your 2 best friends and wished you too were dancing on the roof at the end.
or... your out having a good time.
I need a boyfriend. pronto.
ohwell, I had fun in the car today:
now I'm off to read..

if your anything like me you sat at home and watched Empire Records with your 2 best friends and wished you too were dancing on the roof at the end.
or... your out having a good time.
I need a boyfriend. pronto.
ohwell, I had fun in the car today:
now I'm off to read..

listen, i want to date you. who needs a boyfriend, really. let's like, get married.
Hey I like the pics,,very sexy!! Empire Records is a great movie, sorry to hear that you didnt do anything. I think I'll sneak over the boarder and kindnap ya force you to drink and have fun and then I'll drop you off at home. Hummmmmmm is there a 24 hour store that sells black ski masks? and wheres my rope?