I was supposed to get a car on sunday.
but now I dont know what the EFF is going on.
other people are offering more money...
so I have to wait and see if I can put in my final offer and take the shit home!
please let this work out for me. I'm just a broke chick trying to get around. I'm tired of walking. and its a nice car damnit.
It's friday night and I have nowhere to go.
I have a date with Jonny Cash though...
I'm going to read.
I was supposed to get a car on sunday.
but now I dont know what the EFF is going on.
other people are offering more money...
so I have to wait and see if I can put in my final offer and take the shit home!
please let this work out for me. I'm just a broke chick trying to get around. I'm tired of walking. and its a nice car damnit.
It's friday night and I have nowhere to go.
I have a date with Jonny Cash though...
I'm going to read.
i love you.
i am going to the living room now, to sit near you.