Man o Man Billetproof was fucking rad, perfect weather....great bro brando won best in show......heres some pics for you to enjoy while i go enjoy a few of the new sets from the last few days....rawr!

chris and eric and nick

me, brando and eric

best custom

winners circle

sickest sickle

Erics ride on the way home

Best paint-Best in Show...congrats bro

What he said

Last ones there

And us after a long great day.....

chris and eric and nick

me, brando and eric

best custom

winners circle

sickest sickle

Erics ride on the way home

Best paint-Best in Show...congrats bro

What he said

Last ones there

And us after a long great day.....
i love this cars are amazing!!
thanks baby for your comment
good luck in your week
bye gorgeous