So i got out of work for two days in a row and worked on ripping flooring out of the crib, I fuckin beat, I build 509 cars a day right now non stop i believe i do 72 cars per hour at this point and then i knelt on the cement and ripped basebords out of the wall, i haven't seen the kids in two weeks, and i need to blast this floor in so i can get to welding in my shock mounts and hiding all my electrical shit under my hood. my schedule for winter is a project a week, alternating between house and car, say this week i do the new flooring, next week i relocate my battery, then i paint a room....not nessicarily all expensive tasks but a goal a week till my 35th birthday. This is the first i have spoken of this but my deadline to fix up my house and go hoodless is my 35th day on this earth, for many reasons. One being so i can relax this spring and concentrate on my new marrage to be, and enjoy my house and NOT having any projects to do on my car for a long time. Any who i just had to go take a phone call so i lost my train of thought so heres a picture of the 55 rollin down I-94 some wheres in Indiana 1 1/4" off the ground at about 80 mph.
Thanks man. It's rough...he's been my buddy for over a decade.