I just took the family to see the American Girl Kit Ketterage movie which was set in the great depression and i must say i feel alot better about myself and my state of well being afterwards, it's really hard to justify any complaining about work or the gas prices, or the cost of living, or the housing market, or the economy after seeing what life was like in the late 30's. And in true Jason Poirier fashion i want to get on a soap box and tell every one that before they whine about saving some money or how much miles per gallon there car gets, think of others like they did back then ...when a family lost there home a neighbor took them in, when they lost there jobs they found a way to make what money they could, when people didnt have food they all shared what they had and volunteered to cook for those who had none. I think our country and everyone in it has gotten to comfortable, and to lazy, and to quick to go elsewear thinking there will be better jobs, or a better town, and to worried what others think about the way we live or how we dress or who has the newest stuff or what we got on sale. So just once in a while think of this rant when you want to buy that thing you dont need then walk past a bum, or complaing about our economy and buy a forgien car rather than keeping the profit from you car sale here in america (of course your car was made here but the profits dont stay here). And instead of bashing a political person your NOT gonna vote for maybe read more about how to help people in your area. Or how about helping someone who really needs help without thinking of yourself and what it may gain you.... and if you dont wanna see that familiy movie i spoke of pick up a book yes a book on the great depression and read about it and for the full effect turn off your phone light a candle and do it on an empty stomach. and if you already do some of these types of things and life still bugs you just remember "don't let whatevers bugging you beat you, your as strong as you want to be" and this blog is not directed at any one person but at this whole country and everyone living in it.
Thanks for reading this if you made it all the way thru....and if your employed be happy that you have a job to go to, and be proud!
Thanks for reading this if you made it all the way thru....and if your employed be happy that you have a job to go to, and be proud!
Have fun... We'll be on the corner across from Blockbuster/The 50's Mcdonalds Grilling if you guys get hungry.
I have my work thing till 2 then we are heading straight over so I'll be there from 3 onward I believe