Spent most of the day in a feverish haze, stubbornly fighting the flu-bug which has gone through everyone in my house. Yes, even the pug had the not-so-solids. Me, my stomach acted up, I had cotton mouth most of the day and what do I do first thing I get home? I indulge in a beer and a cheeseburger (with fries) as if to say "Fuck you stomach flu, you're not going to get me!" So far my bravado has paid off as I've polished off two 16oz High Life cans--talk about sticking it to my system! I laugh now, but if I get the 2am emergency bathroom run, I'll be laughing as hard as you were when you first watched "2 Girls 1 Cup." Or the sequel, "2 Girls 1 Finger." If you don't know what I'm talking about, Google it. And eat a breath mint afterwards. I'd link it, but then you'd hate me. Find out for yourself . . .