I called my grandmother today, she's fine.
This is from this morning's Washington Post..
"At one point this week, soldiers from a 1st Cavalry Division battalion led by M1-A1 Abrams tanks and heavily armored Bradley Fighting Vehicles watched in bemused wonder as their opponent sent a donkey with a rocket - propelled grenade strapped to it's side onto the field of battle. The remote triggering device was a string running toward the building corner from which the animal had emerged. "
""We actually had reports of 'engage and destroy the donkey' said Maj. Tim Karcher of the 7th Cavalry Regiment. The animal appears to have died as another enemy casualty."
This is from this morning's Washington Post..
"At one point this week, soldiers from a 1st Cavalry Division battalion led by M1-A1 Abrams tanks and heavily armored Bradley Fighting Vehicles watched in bemused wonder as their opponent sent a donkey with a rocket - propelled grenade strapped to it's side onto the field of battle. The remote triggering device was a string running toward the building corner from which the animal had emerged. "
""We actually had reports of 'engage and destroy the donkey' said Maj. Tim Karcher of the 7th Cavalry Regiment. The animal appears to have died as another enemy casualty."
hmmmmm- HEY,...how's it going? Hope all is well with you. 

wow. theys pretty f'ed up. i feel bad for the donkey.