Jeez, I guess it's been a while since I posted here, I got a myspace account and I've been more involved with that. Also I recently got back together with an old girlfriend so that's nice and I'm looking for a job, which sucks. How are you all?
cool fantasy.

Thanks for the luvin'. I do feel much better now.
You're fantasy pic makes me laugh. Lol.
You're fantasy pic makes me laugh. Lol.

Does anyone besides criminals wear ski masks anymore? Do skiers even wear them?
i saw a guy get on the bus wearing one the other day. he had a cowboy hat on over top.
yeah, so far i am. but i'm a sociology major, so it follows that i'd like cultural anth. they overlap a heck of a lot.
cool cool, what year are you in?
i'm in my third year, i'm done in may! can't freakin wait to be done!! (for now) it's my intention to go back for a masters.
i'm in my third year, i'm done in may! can't freakin wait to be done!! (for now) it's my intention to go back for a masters.
I stole this from [MEMBER=Fenchurch's] journal, and filled in my correct responses..
( ) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
(X) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
( ) I've Never Been To Japan (soon!!!)
( ) I've Never Been...
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( ) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
(X) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
( ) I've Never Been To Japan (soon!!!)
( ) I've Never Been...
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you've never snuck out of your parents house?
I went with some coworkers to Seoul on saturday. One of them wants to get some zebra finches so we spent most of the trip looking for and then walking around the pet district. Koreans don't have a problem with selling pets the day after they're born, it seems, and so I saw tiny dwarf hamsters, rabbits, kittens, ferrets, hedgehogs, etc. that would never be...
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i loooove the devil's rejects. best ending in a film EVER.
and yeah, i did do some of my shopping online too.
and yeah, i did do some of my shopping online too.
aw, lucky! no fair man, i want to meet all those people. bill mosely looks hotter as otis though. hehe
So this last storm destroyed my grandmother's house in Florida, stupid weather. She had to climb out of her bedroom window to get out of her house, which surprised me because she's 82 and not the most spry woman I know. Her car was destroyed too. Florida sucks.
In other news, only a few more months in the army to go, Jesus it'll be nice...
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In other news, only a few more months in the army to go, Jesus it'll be nice...
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An young hashimikka
Look at you - the random featured member...a handsome, smart, interesting young man with whom I've got lots in common...kinda..... chipped nail polish -check....redhead -check....smeared lipstick....not yet.
An young e kay ship sheeo.....(forgive me if my Korean is rusty)

Look at you - the random featured member...a handsome, smart, interesting young man with whom I've got lots in common...kinda..... chipped nail polish -check....redhead -check....smeared lipstick....not yet.
An young e kay ship sheeo.....(forgive me if my Korean is rusty)

Wow your answers are uncommon....right on. Yeah, but sorry about your grandmothers house.
I wanted to go Intel, PSYOPS, to be exact, but it wasn't available. :[
Ha. He is another one of the teachers.
Back in the States for a 30 day vacation, but alas, "The Devil's Rejects" doesn't seem to be playing anywhere. I'm spending 2 weeks in Baltimore with bitchiekittieand 2 weeks in NH with my family. Pretty much my only solid plans beyond that are gorging myself with crabs and then going to see Henry Rollins speak on the 16th. Also, I'm really really bored...
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Excerpted from "In the Heart of the Sea; the Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex"
"The harpoon did not kill the whale. It was simply the means by which a whaleboat crew attached itself to it's prey. After letting the creature tire itself out - by sounding to great depths or simply tearng along the water's surface - the men began to haul themselves, inch by...
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"The harpoon did not kill the whale. It was simply the means by which a whaleboat crew attached itself to it's prey. After letting the creature tire itself out - by sounding to great depths or simply tearng along the water's surface - the men began to haul themselves, inch by...
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last time i ate a live squid, the craziest thing happened.
A girl tuched my hand, and i passed out. Apparently i want immune to influensa...
A girl tuched my hand, and i passed out. Apparently i want immune to influensa...
Shit, that's the bloody!!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Hon! How are things?
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Hon! How are things?

Me and myspace have a love hate relationship.