Wow I just fell off the face of the earth. Sorry about that I got back from the trip and got really wrapped up in jumpin and BASE. No excuse I know but give me a break I was really falling off of things not just the face of the earth
ok I just found out I am sending myself to Pittsburgh for business and need some one to show me the town. I will be there 4/2-4/9 HELP I want to make sure I see the good stuff and I will be all alone and company always makes for more fun feel free to call 651-485-9636
Ah, soon Spring will be here and I will find myself at the dropzone taking first timers for the trill of a life time. I get so itchy this time of year. I am ready for summer and so sick of winter but yet I can't do the thing I like quite yet.ugg
Good to hear from you! I get all itchy this time of year, too. Seems like the summer can never come fast enough. I want to have a thrill of a lifetime---one day. Well, have a great week
Wow. Where to start? The last month has been f'ing busy. Trying to get work done all around the most important things of all, having a life. I got my BASE gear the other day nad have been putting it together and trying to get some place to jump it. All in all though life has been good. Just wish I had more time in... Read More
Wow. It has been a long while since I did this last. So far 2006 has proven to be quite busy. The biz ( has been dong well. Also the weather has been very warm here in Minnesota so I have been jumping alot, and with jumping come nights of drinkg. And with that I found a hole in the wall bar with a kick... Read More
pics are sweet of the skydiving!! I went once a few year back. Me and a friend did some tandum jumps (it was our first time) and when it was my turn, the first shute (sp) didn't open. we had to cut it away and use the reserve!
Got most of it on video (you can see as the camera guy passes us how the first one didn't open all the way) and the funny thing was I had music already picked out to play on the video... Eulogy by Tool. how wierd is that??
Well I hope evry one had a fantastic time last night. I did and I am still alive. I guess that means I have to do this for at least one more year. 2006 should prove to be a very exciting year. Plan on skydiving more than any previous years, BASE jumping is gonna pick up, still trying to do some ground launching at one... Read More
aaaaand i'm back. haha. hope you're having a fantastic 2006 so far!!! have you gotten your hands on some BASE jumping equipment yet?
sorry about not being around.. it feels as though i'm always saying that... stupid life, getting in the way of my SG timel... haha. oh well, it seems that for the moment my mother has unbroken the internet, so hopefully i'll be able to take full advantage of that!
thanks for e-mailing me to see where i was... you made me feel important!
How can you love the east coast?! I fuckin' hate it here! If I was in NYC or something like that, it'd be different, but I'm in the middle of nowhere in upstate ny. There's not too much going on here...ever My family's here and my friends, so it makes it easier.
So the last two days have been GREAT! The holidays are over and I snuck by without seeing the rents. Last night and tonight I went to a tower with a friend to watch him jump, since I do not have my own BASE gear yet I have to live through others. I will have mine by the middle of Feb. not soon enough. Anyway... Read More
Getting lucky dodging the parents, huh? I actually went to dinner tonight with my dad, we had a pretty good time. Man, I really gotta try skydiving. I think it would be one of the most amazing experiences! Well, have a fun time this weekend, stay safe and drink plenty!
Today it is very warm out and in makes me want spring to be here. I hate winter and especially the holidays. I guess I just don't like "having" to be stuck seeing relatives. I know I don't have to see them but if I don't then I spend the next four weeks dodging phone calls and messages.
uuuuh... having to see family.. i know exactly what you mean!! my family took me to a little cabin in the woods, where i couldn't escape for christmas.... *sighs* so i feel you on that one....
i still never ended up finding that headline you were talking about... i'm sure it was a good one though....
and i'm back to work again tomorrow... its actually gotten to the point where i'm looking forward to going back to school... weird. haha.
It's around 40 degrees where I am so it's really making me ready for spring, too. I'm so sick of winter and it really hasn't even begun yet Skydiving?! That's so cool. I've always wanted to try it, one day I will!
Well the weekend was a blast I got to make a few jumps(wish it could have been more) but it was good non the less. I even got to take a little hottie on a tandem, which is my favorite thing to do. I just love share my passion for the sport with someone for their first time.
Still no luck on the ski slope, probably not gonna happen
I hope there is some one playing somewhere this weekend, any ideas.
I also have to figure out the days I am gonna be gone to Denver and if there will be any thing goin on down there .
well, thanks for the e-mail, i responded to it, but i'm not sure if you'd have gotten it or not.. sooo, i'll answer your questions now!
i work as a tour guide at the legislative building (like a state capitol building) in my hometown. SO, that's where i've been for the last little while.. that and trying to get my christmas shopping done. .
and no worries about the tandem comment. it made me smile because i REEEEALLY want to be able to say that i've gone skydiving, but i'm also REEEEEEALLY sure that gravity works.. and being such a stupidly logical person, can't convince myself to throw myself towards the ground, knowing that gravity'll pull me down.. haha.