- on jumpinjackshit's page
For shits and giggles I thought I'd check the SG site to see what it would look like as an outsider again... and lo and behold! I'm still a member??? I'm a whole day past the cut-off point! I guess they don't want to let me go.
Well... I've said my goodbyes and I sure as fuck don't want to do that again so I'll...
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Well... I've said my goodbyes and I sure as fuck don't want to do that again so I'll...
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Why are you leaving that site? Not that its any of my business.
Taken from Mallrats but altered to fit the occasion "DANCE, FAT MAN, DANCE!"
So long.
To those of you I call friends... stay in touch through email.
To the rest of you too-cool hipster lame-o's... go die.
To those of you I call friends... stay in touch through email.
To the rest of you too-cool hipster lame-o's... go die.
i'm listening to "I'm an Upstart" by the Angelic's in honor of your leaving the site. What a great fucking song. Think of it as a punk rock moment of silence.
Rock on brother.
Rock on brother.
You will be missed, sir. Godspeed you on your journey.
I hope you don't crawl back into that bottle and drown, my friend. Take care.
I hope you don't crawl back into that bottle and drown, my friend. Take care.
Last night we played with the RUBBER CITY REBELS (they used to play the local dives in Akron, OH with the likes of the Dead Boys and Devo back in '76) and some old friends of mine from Phoenix, the Glass Heroes, as well as our local friends the Luv Taps. This is going down in my book not only as one of the best...
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See that is the problem with Vegas you can drink at all hours!! And if you can well why not do it right?
"wednesday june 16th 7:30pm
'eraserhead' director david lynch's bizarre 1978 feature debut about the title misfit, to be followed by a question-and-answer session with lynch, winner of cinevegas' vangaurd director award."
i just dug that mag out of the trash. so there you have it, thats all i know.
"wednesday june 16th 7:30pm
'eraserhead' director david lynch's bizarre 1978 feature debut about the title misfit, to be followed by a question-and-answer session with lynch, winner of cinevegas' vangaurd director award."
i just dug that mag out of the trash. so there you have it, thats all i know.
Well... got about 10 more days 'til my time here expires, and I've got mixed feelings about that. I've met a few very interesting people here and had a few laughs, but overall I don't think it's gonna be worth it to renew. The things I like about SG I like a lot, but there are more cons than pros and since I'm payin' money...
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ahhh crap.. well, I just sent you an add me request on Myspace.
Hope all is well man.
Hope all is well man.
Heyya sorry to see ya leave but I understand
Thanks for being such a respectful guy. It means alot.
Thanks for being such a respectful guy. It means alot.
OK... so on Thursday evening I started feeling a little queasy, whatever. Took some Pepto and waited for it to pass. No such luck... about a half-hour later I was puking my guts out. Puke done... thank God that's over with, right? Wrong!!! It just kept getting worse and worse and worse all night long. I was violently puking about every 15 min. and by...
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See me tuesday, I may be unjaded on a temp status or possibly worse than ever....
thought i'd write it here instead of in the Saints thread...
Keith is now in this terrible band called Crime and Judy. they toured the east coast last summer but so far i think that's the most ambitious they've gotten. 'course, a lot of people love the band but i don't. the musician-ship is great but there's just too much going on (last time i checked i think there were 7 people in the band) and one of the lead singers is awful. last time i heard them it was kind of like art noise with a violin and vaguely SleaterKinney-like vocals. they have a website if you want to hear it but i'm not sure you'd like it. honestly, i'm not that big of a Die Kreuzen fan either but Keith is such an awesome guy -- very intelligent and that band did kind of put Milwaukee on the map as far as punk/indie rock. as far as the other guys, i've never really met them. i know one of them was in a band called Decapitado but i don't know anything about them. so that's the extent of my Die Kreuzen knowledge.
Keith is now in this terrible band called Crime and Judy. they toured the east coast last summer but so far i think that's the most ambitious they've gotten. 'course, a lot of people love the band but i don't. the musician-ship is great but there's just too much going on (last time i checked i think there were 7 people in the band) and one of the lead singers is awful. last time i heard them it was kind of like art noise with a violin and vaguely SleaterKinney-like vocals. they have a website if you want to hear it but i'm not sure you'd like it. honestly, i'm not that big of a Die Kreuzen fan either but Keith is such an awesome guy -- very intelligent and that band did kind of put Milwaukee on the map as far as punk/indie rock. as far as the other guys, i've never really met them. i know one of them was in a band called Decapitado but i don't know anything about them. so that's the extent of my Die Kreuzen knowledge.

Played a good gig last Sat. night. Met dickvegas at the show. Cool guy. Gotta go out and look for a goddamn job in a few hours... whoopee!!! Necessary evil. I'm really starting to wonder if having your own business is some unattainable pipedream that people lie about. Ah, I'm just trying to keep bitterness at bay.
Lovely society we live in, innit?
Lovely society we live in, innit?
don't know if you got the email, but i'll be in vegas sat/sun.. would love to give you another cavity 45---take care......
dude!! I gonna ask you.. did you know that Junior Achievment released their album on CD and then had a release party recently? from what my friends tell me everyone showed up and it was like a class reunion of PHX punk rock. I was like "why didn you tell me!!!" my friend was all I spaced.
well.. either way I may pick it up. If I can find it.

well.. either way I may pick it up. If I can find it.
things and people I dig
young and innocent
OK... it's been a strange and stressful week in the land of JackShit. Almost slammed the door shut on SG this week for many reasons... most of which were of a personal nature and really had nothing to do with SG itself or any of it's members. I just have a lot on my plate right now and it's been a bit overwhelming. When I...
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It was good meeting you last night and your band rocked. I ducked out at the end of your set cuz I was beat, and missed half-assed. Maybe I'll stop by the Boston tonight on the way home since it's just down the street for work. I don't know though, two nights in a row, people might start talking. I have a dumb question: where is the image for the group from that you also have on your arm. I can't draw it to memory. It's funny how those things fade, I was trying to remember the names of Phoenix bands we played and stayed with 15 or so years ago and I still cant. Gonna have to dig out old pictures or something.
Hey Jack-
Thanks for strating the group-I chose to leave because I feel like the group has taken a nosedive in terms of diversity and respect about peoples opinions...you good sir-are a punk rawk gent-I wish you well...please let me know if the group ever gets its balance back--but If I want someone to challenge my punk rawkness I will just go to the record store and take shit from the pimple faced clerks...later
Thanks for strating the group-I chose to leave because I feel like the group has taken a nosedive in terms of diversity and respect about peoples opinions...you good sir-are a punk rawk gent-I wish you well...please let me know if the group ever gets its balance back--but If I want someone to challenge my punk rawkness I will just go to the record store and take shit from the pimple faced clerks...later
New day, different bullshit.
Hello guy,
"The group description explains this pretty well." because of my bad english, I don' t know if it is a really compliment, but we take it as a compliment
Thank mister!!!
if not, I stop my questions about your group, because according to what I understood you want to discharge
( ??? is that said in your country?)...
Good monday man!
"The group description explains this pretty well." because of my bad english, I don' t know if it is a really compliment, but we take it as a compliment

Thank mister!!!
if not, I stop my questions about your group, because according to what I understood you want to discharge

Good monday man!
if 2 pages of "please stick around" doesn't persuade you - dunno what will. I hope you stay.
Man, I'm fuckin' pissed off today! And why not? There's PLENTY to be pissed about, so I won't even bother with particulars. It feels good to be angry instead of just jaded and indifferent like I usually am. All my best ideas and creations have been born out of anger... but then again most of my worst hardships and consequences were results of my anger...
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Are you headed to the DD tonight? I'll be there after work to see the western bone cleavers.
Are you headed to the DD tonight? I'll be there after work to see the western bone cleavers.
cause i dont like people attacking my friends, especially the ones i call family, over something stupid.
Just want to say thank you to everyone who's taken a shine to the Aging Punks group. It's shaping up to be a very cool group.
I'm sorry if I haven't gotten around to thank everyone individually in their journals, but I honestly wasn't expecting to get as many hits on this as I have. It's very reassuring to know that there's other SG members...
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I'm sorry if I haven't gotten around to thank everyone individually in their journals, but I honestly wasn't expecting to get as many hits on this as I have. It's very reassuring to know that there's other SG members...
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Hey, were you at the Misfits Show in PHX.. early 80s like 82-84 Where the riot police showed up?
I loved the Manics. But last time I saw them they were so bad I wanted to cry.
I have the Japanese version of the "You Love Us" Ep
I have the Japanese version of the "You Love Us" Ep