This is the story of a spider. A daring jumping spider named Big Mama. She was huge for her species and enjoyed praying on her own kind. One day she came upon a male daring jumping spider who had been paralyzed by a wasp. The wasp had layed her eggs in the poor fellow. They had yet to hatch. The male watched Big Mama spider with fear in his arachnid eyes. She being the creature she is promptly ripped into him like a shark into a side of beef. Legs flew everywere. It was the most graphic spider meal I had ever witnessed. Maybe because of the size of the predator and her prey or something special about this big female spider. . .she seemed to be enjoying ripping apart the helpless male. Nothing personal I imagined her saying as she ate him alive. We all have to eat or be eaten. After all I am eating for 100! Shortly after this I witnessed the birth of her brood of spiderlings. A mass of tiny little big mama replicas. Cute as buttons and all ready as blood thirsty as their mama. I dropped some fruit flies in their and watched the carnage. They were set free, those who survived. And catching the wind currents like little hang gliders they were off into thr wild blue. A week later our big mama was dead. I wrapped her in tissue and put her inside a small jewelery box and buried her in a secret place. Were the sun would shine down on her and maybe one of her spiderbabies would come and hunt their.
'spiderbabies' sounds like a great name for a band...
Come on. This note has been here for at least two days! Crank up your mind and write something new!