I have never been what you would call normal. Wha is? Only the poor deluded rank and file? And yet even they have secret dreams and passions. Too many of you are limited by your sight and attitude of tired indifference. I love all humans and when we all recognize the veracity of this concept. . .how many innocent civilians from poor countries enslaved to the oil hungry west must die for your cars and weekend BBQ's before you'll understand? Will it have to be a nuclear bomb to awaken all you deluded fools who really believe the US government gives a shit about preventing terror here? Every US murder of one of "them" simply compounds the threat to us. And just so we are all on the same page. God is not american.
Big Dick Titus is dead. I took him out back and extinguished him execution style. Never mention the name Big Dick Titus, again.
It's high time for a profile pic, just put something up, anything! Ah, I have an idea. Hold on....