Do you realize that this reality is the one we have made for ourselves. . .not everyone else. My reality is different then yours. . .and you can not begin to even scratch my surface without knowing me, wishing to know of me. . .with a firm heart and a thirst for truth. We are all islands onto ourselves. . .nations of one. . .so many think the outside is the truth. The media and the "heroes" of today. . .but the real truth is inside. . .for when the great dark comes to claim you it is the inside chambers of your soul, your mind and your heart that will carry you through to the otherside. . .not the car you drive, the house you live in or the people you hang with. We are all alone. . .but the fact is that is not a bad thing, and if you fear it and find yourselcves filling every moment with other peoples thought ideas and truths. . . .you are a fool. For it all starts ends and continues with you.
Check out pic # 14 on Emilys new set. What do ya think?