Its been so long since I last checked in I don't really know where to start!
I guess I should probably start by saying THANKS YOU all so so so much for all the love and support on my latest set "Love."
And if you're interested, I have yet another set hitting Member Review very soon! It looks like May 10th will be the day. It will also be Mothers Day and MY BIRTHDAY! Pretty great birthday present if you ask me. :) A little tease for you.....
Some of you have been asking me about my up coming birthday and if its possible to send me things. My answer: I have no idea. I love the idea of receiving gifts, what girl doesn't, but I'm not comfortable giving out my personal information, as I am sure you can understand.
If anyone has any suggestions Id love to hear them but otherwise just wishing me well is enough for me.
Life is the same. I have the same guy, the same job, same apartment. As much as its boring and nothing has changed its all pretty new to me. I don't know if its age or LA or what but Ive been in the same place now for over a year and I don't really plan on going anywhere any time soon. Im usually so restless I can't be trusted to stay anywhere for very long. But LA has captured my attention and this guy has captured my heart and life seems to be settling well.
I work as much as possible in an attempt to save money. Ive had plans of starting a lingerie brand for some time now. Its all just a matter of cash flow and once I have enough saved Ill be able to make my moves and start production. Its terrifying and wonderful and frustrating all at once. I didn't go to school for fashion or business so Im trying to learn as much as I can as I go! I can sew but not fast and not as well as Id like and since Im not into the simple stuff Ill be paying someone to do most of my sewing for me. Hopefully I can be up and running early next year.
Ive taken on another job which has been a a great education in the past few months. Ive been managing production for an Eco plush toy company. Yeah, stuffed animals. :) Its fun and stressful and Im learning to be a manager of time, product and people. The people part is the hardest. I can be a little too direct for some folks so Ive been working on sweetening the sugar coating that people need from me. I still think its silly but Ive never been good at diplomacy and talking through tense situations and its a skill better learned late rather than never.
My social life has been sparse since I quit drinking. Ill have a glass of wine or maybe two every now and again but no more going out and getting smashed like I used to. I do love to drink but its not good for my mind or mood or pocketbook for that matter.
Not drinking so much is also great because Ive been doing Muay Thai a few days a week for the past few months. It just feels better to sweat when Im not hungover! My first lesson in Jiu Jitsu was last week. It wasn't anything formal, just a taste to see if its something I could be interested in with a friend who says its just my style. I may start splitting my time at the gym between the two. I like them both for very different reasons. Mauy Thai is fast and so much cardio, a great workout and really great for getting out aggression. But jiu jitsu is like chess. Calculated, planned, always thinking ahead and getting to know your opponent. And since I already pay to go to a spot that offers both muay thai and Gracie BJJ it couldn't hurt to try. :)
Im teaching myself to cook with a service called Blue Apron. Its fun but I think I hate to cook because of the time and the dishes. Ive been reading a lot. I thought about getting myself a tattoo for my birthday based off of a favorite book. And I spend a lot of time hanging out with Mr. Nigel, my dog.
Thats life in a nutshell. I don't have any photos to share. They are all on my IG and Im pretty sure that means they end up on here as well.
I hope you are all doing well. I now own a computer again so it should be easier to come hang around the internet places more. :) Its late now and way past my bed time.
Ciao darlings!!