I literally have 11 different SG and Hopeful sets up on my laptop right now that i have yet to view but can't I'm on the phone with the miss and I don't like to view sets unless i can give them my undivided attention (I'm horrible at multitasking, god knows how i'm accomplishing this blog, or if i'm accomplishing it but i digress). It allows me to really appreciate the art in the little details that makes each and ever set unique. The reason I open with that fact is because that's what my life is like right now. Not hectic in relation to half the people i know but for me its a slow building musical masterpiece of insanity. I'm a very chill slow paced go with the flow type of guy. Things are moving fast and they don't look like they are gonna slow down anytime soon. Right now I'm in the process of planing a trip to nycc which will either be the death of me or complete bliss. I will also be moving into an apartment which i need a roommate for. Plus size i should finally be able to get a Pomeranian puppy aka my dream dog. I will name it Koga or Kagome because I'm a huge anime nerd. I am dying to get more ink as soon as I get some things figured out with my artist. Also i really want my nips/ tongue pierced but I'm way to much of a pussy about it =/. This blog is grazing the surface, these problems are actually way more complex but i won't bore you with the details that drag me down. I've been really focusing on reaming positive and sending out good vibes. It's working, I just hope that i can keep it up!
i don't like the end of IT. i mean what the fuck with the spider hahaa
thanks for all the support