Where to start. (at the beginning, and finish at the end). Sorry this is what happens when your girl is a Alice in wonderland fanatic. I've been keeping busy. Doing a lot, finding myself so to speak. Getting to that perfect self that i want. In pursuit of it i recently got spider bite piercings and a new tattoo
Everything has healed quite nicely. The tat is not done yet, I have to go back to get a quote with it. "If you're going through hell, keep going." If you know anything about Adios from tokidoki (the character i got tatted) then this quote is very fitting. Unfortunately my artist is in Cali having family time so i think it would be rude to fly out just to make him finish it lol.
Now on to more recent events. Recently me and the misses have agreed that we love each other but our relationship is... well to be a dysfunctional would be cute at this point. We are a freaking wreck. Its just not the same. We've been trying to fix it but it seemed like we were just beating a dead hobo (saying this should be a thing, I'm going to make it a thing). So in order to save our relationship we broke up, just hear me out. We are taking a break and being best friends like we were before we started dating and doing things that we did 2 summers ago. She didn't like the idea at first but i think its grown on her. The sexual tension is crazy and we are reliving all our moments together. Its been 2 days, we've done a lot of hugging, we held hands today and she's been pretty forward about how she's dying to kiss me. Its exactly like when we first met,
Now onto this amazing weekend. Now stop fun. Since me and little mermaid decided to take it back to where it all started like your parent's getting drunk and reliving their prom night we said we'd go downtown and do shit all poor like. We had a shitty paying job back then so we did things like go downtown and walk around.
In case you didn't get the memo Chicago the dope sports city's (not to get confused with Miami who pretends it's bout that life) NHL team The Blackhawks won the Stanley cup. We celebrated the right way by flooding downtown in a sea of red and black.
Saturday the plan was to go to a graduation party of an old high school friend. Didn't happen which sucks but she's not to upset and I'll make it up to her. After everything fell through i ended up eating with Ariel and getting the haircut that I've been waiting for. That experience was fun in its own way. My old stylist moved to Texas, she was the only person i trusted to cut and dye my hair. She helped me work out my crazy visions and made me push the envelope. <--- That's the right phrase right? yea that's fine. Since she moved I haven't done anything to my luscious locks. Last time she cut my hair she said she wanted me to do a Mohawk. I was against it at first but in honor of her i went through with it, sorta. I went to a totally different hair cuttery, fresh start ya know? The stylist, Tania was her name, set me down and asked what i wanted. I told her my plan and she was shaking in her panties. I was a little much for her. She was super nice cute. So having a cute stylist play in my hair and be all nice, Ariel was having 2nd thoughts about this little break. Almost turned back into my gf and told Tania back the fuck up she got some attention of her own though so it all ended good
Sunday was another 1st for me. My first pride. I'm sure there's a baby book like this somewhere. Idk what to say about this besides there are some sexy people in Chicago so i'll just post some pictures of how crazy packed it was
It was me and Ariel's first pride so we got us an escort who did a damn good job of showing us around her friend Nick (tall white) and his boyfriend Edgar (shorter and tan). They are the freaking cutest. The chick is Angelica, i think my GF might get crazy with her one day and I'm ok with that.
Thick woman on a bike, That's that shit i do like!
Chicago is awesome
He's a unicorn and he doesn't care what you have to say about it
Christmas just got a little nicer for the naughty