Hi y'all how are you? ❤ This weekend I had a really nice experience in a very special place ✨
It's the first time I visit a bonsai garden, there were so many at Domestic bonsai Argentina where they teach everything you need to know about this special trees 🌳
It was a photography event organized by Hugo Hab tattoo artist who wanted to get a shooting of some of his last full backs/fronts done at Good times tattoo parlour BA
So it wasn't just me, there were some other people (whom I don't show since they're not on SG) showing their beautiful tattoos in this oriental space all set up for the occasion ❤
A Japanese oldie doggy 🐶
The day was freezing cold but we've got warm beverages and medialunas to warm up before this nude artistic photoshoot 😋
I was amazed by the place and kept looking at everything while waiting for my turn to be in front of the camera 🤭
Do you like bonsai trees? Aren't they amazing? 💫
@missy @penny @lust