Has anyone ever gotten back together with an ex? Don't worry I'm not thinking about the jerk I just broke up with. Anyone believe in the whole right place wrong time thing with relationships? Goin to Rockin on the River tomorrow, which you wouldn't know about unless you were from around here but long story short a boring time but booze avalible! Hopefully getting my first tattoo and a monroe piercing tomorrow. I'll definetly have pics if I get either. I have the worst luck I swear. Anything that could go wrong does. Like I register to go to a school that's been around for more than 40 years and poof they close. So now I have to find a new school and it sucks cause there aren't that many cos schools and the one I really want to go to is expensive and a bit of a drive away. Still haven't got a car. Trying to get a loan right now and haven't heard anything back. So I figure that's bad news. Plus I mean come on it's me and I just told you how I have craptastic luck! Well tomorrow should be fun and I deserve it damn it!
Didn't last very long though.
The school you were going to go to closed? That's awful.
Hope you can find a school soon.
Your luck sounds like mine. Anytime something good happens, I dread it, cuz I'm sure it means something bad will happen soon.