crap... I woke up with this sinking feeling that I may have hurt someone's feelings/ was an asshole during the previous night's drunken shenanigans... like the time I told my ex to fuck off. Oh God. Lets see.. a cute girl called me out on getting her number a while ago.. and then never calling her. But I told her I'm shy and never call anyone when I get their number... which is true, but I've been trying to be better about this. Although telling her that made her think I'm a big player/ heart breaker since she didn't believe that I'm shy. I told her to ask any of my friends, they all know I'm actually really shy. I think my friend that I had a crush on before (but I recently gave up) gave me a hurt look or maybe a look of concern or something when I was hitting on her. Then I went and danced with her and ended up making out with her against a wall. Then we went out for a smoke and some girl in hair dressing school talking to my friends outside about doing their hair wrote her number on that girl's arm. She said she was happy to meet a taller girl... so I told her height doesn't matter when you're horizontal then told her I was really good in bed... wow.. so drunk.. My friend told me that one of our friend's friend's had a crush on her or she had a crush on one of our friends or she heard something about her I don't know. I'm not sure if I should text her or not... especially since tomorrow I'm having dinner with the girl I met last weekend. I wonder if I could send her a 'let's be friends' type of text, so I'm not a douchebag.
We predrank at one of my friend's and she told me her girl broke up with her... Earlier this week I added her girl on facebook because she told me to before, and I wanted to see all the pics she took at this party... which, dissappointingly, were not even up yet
so my friend said "I saw that you added her on facebook by the way." Then asked me if I liked her to which I said no! so she said why didn't you tell me that? and gets mad at me that I didn't warn her of some bad vibe or something :S but I explained that, no, I had thought she was really sweet and such. So I just checked my emails to see her girl confirmed me as a friend on Tuesday, same day that my friend told me she broke up with her without any warning. Kinda weird... thing is me and my friend tend to go for the same type of girl...and I'm afraid this might make me look bad.. should I delete her ex from facebook? I don't talk to her or anything anyways.
So the real reason I feel horrible is because I think I accidentally walked off on my friend when he said he couldn't find his iphone.... I called it a few times and I guess went to try to look for it, but then got distracted. I didn't realize till later that I lost him. Although I told him before we went out that he could come with me but I wouldn't be driving home and he said he's cool with that and insisted that he could take a cab home, plus he's like 32. I'm sure he's fine but I still feel like a horrible friend. He's so nice and so fun I hope he had a good night.
We predrank at one of my friend's and she told me her girl broke up with her... Earlier this week I added her girl on facebook because she told me to before, and I wanted to see all the pics she took at this party... which, dissappointingly, were not even up yet

So the real reason I feel horrible is because I think I accidentally walked off on my friend when he said he couldn't find his iphone.... I called it a few times and I guess went to try to look for it, but then got distracted. I didn't realize till later that I lost him. Although I told him before we went out that he could come with me but I wouldn't be driving home and he said he's cool with that and insisted that he could take a cab home, plus he's like 32. I'm sure he's fine but I still feel like a horrible friend. He's so nice and so fun I hope he had a good night.
I love those nights when I wake up the next morning and someone's pissed off with me and I don't know why....
I hope everything works out with your ladyfriend