From my 16 years I have been drinking coffee without stopping one day you could say. Yesterday I had coffee and had not realized it so I let it go and not drink. When they were 08:00 pm I started with a strong headache or an aspirin I take it out, so resorted to drinking a cup of coffee and it was magical, pain desaparcio. So I started to panic and believe strongly that'm addicted to caffeine and comonece to investigate the issue.
The symptoms are:
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Inability to concentrate
- Decreased motivation to initiate or to complete daily tasks
- Slight -Depression
- Headache
- Somnolencia
- Insomnia
- Pain in the stomach and joints.
However I have a coffee for every occasion.
- Double Cafe: To start the morning
- Cafe Espresso: After lunch
- Cafe Cappuchinno: Teatime
- Cafe Espresso: After dinner
- Coffee Frappuccino: For the Summer
- Cafe Irish or Caribbean: Before nightlife
This is the coolest coffee blog! 🍵 Yes, I'm addicted. If I do not have my morning coffee, I feel like I have a light hangover all day. I like morning coffee and after work or dinner. I love fresh ground Colombian 100% Arabica with sweet creme. Â
I'm English, so tea is my main drink, but... Years ago, a workmate gave me a filter coffee machine, as he already had one. I installed it at work, and decided that I'd only use the best coffee in it, as there was little point in using cheap crap. And the coffee so made was good. Very good, in fact. So good, that in a 12 hour shift, I was drinking up to four litres of coffee. After a while, I started getting sweaty palms, and, worst of all, 'Restless Legs', which would wake me up when I was asleep. When I told my Doctor, he asked how much coffee I drank, and when I said exactly how much, he was horrified. I got rid of the filter machine. I now only drink a couple of cups of coffee a week. I'm afraid that I find strong tea much more refreshing, and it has far less of a diuretic effect than coffee, I find. But I still maintain that if you are fond of coffee, drink the best you can afford. xxxxx