I'm 23 in the Navy will be in till I am 29. Originaly from Tulsa Ok. I lived alot of my life in So. Cal were I graduated. I have a dregee from Ole Miss State and love to surf and be at the beach. Um what else.. . . . . . . Oh yeah the phrase I hear the most from ex's describing me (I'm on the phone with one right now) is a lady in public and a whore in private....... HMMMM Maybe that should be my new label on my page. Probally not. I love to dance and have ten years of ballet under my belt witha few years of cheer to go with it . Love swimming over running but do both. I'm just kind of like me I geuss. Nothing spectacular or unique just another girl who likes to try everything and learn all she can. Is thisa good idea to open up with??? I have no clue. Will it give others a better idea of what to expect from me? Hardly I'm a woman who the hell can understand us I know I certanly dont.

I think we already met.... in passing... you were on watch at the pass and ID and I had on the SG t-shirt. Then you asked me about it and said that you were on the site but you wouldn't give me your profile. So that's me. If you wanna hit me up then e-mail me at purj@hotmail.com. nice pics by the way.
so i guess that i called you, and you were already gone. sucks. well hit me back when you get in. we can go tear up mannama, or something.