A Merry Fucking Christmas
I'm sitting here at 4 am in the morning and jsut foundout the guy I have been waitingot go home to has been tryingto hook up with random ass and I just met on online. Kinda hard to believe him that he hasnt done anything when she can give some real good detail of him and his effects. Merry Fucking Christmas excuse me while I go and snuggle with a bottle of Jose.
I'm sitting here at 4 am in the morning and jsut foundout the guy I have been waitingot go home to has been tryingto hook up with random ass and I just met on online. Kinda hard to believe him that he hasnt done anything when she can give some real good detail of him and his effects. Merry Fucking Christmas excuse me while I go and snuggle with a bottle of Jose.
(Sorry its kind of fucked up... his loss, anyway, sucker)