sooo Portland was amazing i can't wait to move there. i went to this place called the blossoming lotus it was all vegan food and it was very yummy! The drive there was really easy, my car gets really good gas so i hardly had to stop and i made it there in 12 hours!
when i got back from Portland i finished a painting ive been working on in time to put it in a coffee shop show. it will be up there for a month im pretty stoked.
right after that i went to San Fran to see The Get Up Kids which was a lot of fun. when i got back home to Salinas i left a couple hours later to go to San Diego with a bunch of friends in a tiny 2-door Chrysler. i had to sit in the middle because i was the smallest. it sucked.
We went to Bamboozle in Irvine and the first day kind of sucked but i got to see the get up kids AGAIN so that was awesome. the second day was way better i saw trash talk and have heart which was a lot of fun. the drive back was terrible though, i had to listen to a lot of shitty pop punk the whole way and i was sick and my friends are terrible drives and what should of been a 5-6 hour drive took 11 hours. i was miserable
but its okay because tonight I'm going to San Fransisco to see have heart again!
and this was all before spring break.
damn life's good
when i got back from Portland i finished a painting ive been working on in time to put it in a coffee shop show. it will be up there for a month im pretty stoked.
right after that i went to San Fran to see The Get Up Kids which was a lot of fun. when i got back home to Salinas i left a couple hours later to go to San Diego with a bunch of friends in a tiny 2-door Chrysler. i had to sit in the middle because i was the smallest. it sucked.
We went to Bamboozle in Irvine and the first day kind of sucked but i got to see the get up kids AGAIN so that was awesome. the second day was way better i saw trash talk and have heart which was a lot of fun. the drive back was terrible though, i had to listen to a lot of shitty pop punk the whole way and i was sick and my friends are terrible drives and what should of been a 5-6 hour drive took 11 hours. i was miserable
but its okay because tonight I'm going to San Fransisco to see have heart again!
and this was all before spring break.
damn life's good

did you make it to sweetpeas? Blossoming lotus is tasty mmm oh portland. I will visit if you end up there.
Back in 2005 I went to what I thought was the last Get Up Kids show in California ever. No longer the case, but that's ok. I'd rather have them back than have bragging rights about the last show. How'd you like them?