Lisa - " contributed to our culture!"
Homer - "im sorry"
Lisa - "No, thats a good thing!"
Plato writes in "Gorgias" that our existence is confirmed through our experience with other external objects, such as other people. The same ideal is addressed numerous times throughout the novel Sophies World by Josteen Gaarder, which is was basically my Philosophy 101, one of the first and greatest long novel's i've read in my short time. The idea states that we can assume that we exist when we see how we impact the universe. Eg - if were to push my workmate, he would fall over in his chair. He would blame me, therefore i know that i exist, as i was responsible for his downfall. You get the idea.
Which leads me to my train of thought ive been entertaining this morning. Does everyone have some master plan to subconsciously or intentionally leave their mark on this earth? Now, i know i could go on, and become rather political and soppy and discuss how athletes, adventurers, etc have done such great things in their lifetime they'll always be remembered. No, i dont mean that. Im talking in a much more trivial sense. Arts & Entertainment. For example, did you know Earl Grey tea is named after the Earl, Grey?
I'm currently on a detox diet, and as a result, have been fucking starving. Was so hungry at work the other day i was wiki-ing the history of McDonalds and found out that Ronald McDonald was infact a real person. With red hair. He was a cousin or brother of the McDonald Brothers who set up the franchise. He helped the brothers so much that they decided to celebrate him in the form of a scary pedophilic clown that haunts every restraunts park benches with that cunt of a grin.
I've always been a bit of a note taker, and list maker. But recently, Jorge Garcia wrote in his blog "Dispatches from the Island" how he used to write down Career goals and just save them, to look back on. And in theme with wanting to make a lasting footprint on the universe i would like to state a few things that i've wanted to do for a while .
1) Become a funky kick ass music video director in the style of Chris Cunningham. I've always wanted to make a video so rocknroll, where the audio and video would be seamlessly linked up, you would forget it was actually a projected image and would trick your brain into freaking out because it thought it was real. Ive amateruely (new word) explored this in my few youtube videos which you can find under the username julianbleach on
2) Start a dark pop band - reminiscent of Joy Division, Interpol, Editors. But still have enough of my own personal innovation to make it original.