So they opened up a new restaurant behind the Engadine RSL! Not a bad little place, though i wonder what the chef thought when me and Bren rocked up together, two guys dining alone, hmmmm! Mike, Ez and Atlee rocked up and we had an hour long shit talk session. They went off to play poker, i'm not experienced enough to play without them on my table though, i really don't wanna make a dick of myself. Went home and watched new eps of Heroes>
Hiro Nakamura is my Hero!
Finished off some xmas shopping today, my Secret Santa bought me Stephen Kings new novel Liseys Story! Looking forward to getting around to it.......after i finish the other 40 novels!!! Got my secret santa an iTunes gift card, lame huh? Oh and also got my eyebrow pierced, wooooooo!
I've always thought about it, just always wussed out, and hell, the pain wasn't even too bad. As Monty put it, its the good kinda pain. Fetish freak out! I'm happy with it, and thats what counts i guess. The chick at Ella Rouge was completely awesome, so nice!
Hiro Nakamura is my Hero!
Finished off some xmas shopping today, my Secret Santa bought me Stephen Kings new novel Liseys Story! Looking forward to getting around to it.......after i finish the other 40 novels!!! Got my secret santa an iTunes gift card, lame huh? Oh and also got my eyebrow pierced, wooooooo!
I've always thought about it, just always wussed out, and hell, the pain wasn't even too bad. As Monty put it, its the good kinda pain. Fetish freak out! I'm happy with it, and thats what counts i guess. The chick at Ella Rouge was completely awesome, so nice!