happy birthday, summer
i stay up too late surfing the internet, looking for an unidentified thing. my long hours of searching frequently yield little but additional moments of wasted life.
an hour ago i was pissed off to remember i have morning yoga on sundays, and since i was an irresponsible twat tonight, i will miss it.
i was going to blog "what the fuck is it i'm always looking for at this time of night??" then i came across something that made the last 3 hours worthwhile.
i won't say what it was, but essentially it was a spark. the spark. inspiration, creative motivation, my reason for living, all that.
now i'll gladly go to bed. here's to first days.
I'll be applying for jobs again as soon as Blizzcon is over and I can devote some time to writing cover letters and cleaning up my code examples and whatnot. Good luck on your job search, too, and let me know how it goes!
So you're done with that aspect of the site, then?