The funeral was fine.
Some things I learned:
-Saturday services are $600 extra, and Rosehills doesn't operate on Sundays.
-Viewing the interment costs $400 extra.
-The cement casing over the casket (to prevent from cracking open after burial) is also extra, but completely necessary and not included in the original casket cost.
-Death is the biggest racket ever.
-Family meals should be decided by 2 people, tops. No one else should be allowed to change meal plans once it has been finally decided, after the fifth time it's been finally decided. If plans take twice as long as actual intended meal, you have failed.
-Coffee doesn't cure sleep deprivation. Sleep does.
-Ask your parents the questions you've been meaning to ask. Sometimes they'll answer and it's worth it.
-Watching your grandmother cry is hard. Accepting money from your grandmother is hard.
-Watching your partner experience pain because of you is not something you ever want to do.
-Life is a confusing mess, especially if you think you know exactly what you're doing.
Maybe sleep will fix this feeling. More cigarettes certainly won't.
i shall bug you in texts.