Not afraid to have renewed hope
An email sent in response to our recent Craigslist ad contained a list of shelter cats at the Santa Cruz County Animal Services. All torties.
The very first picture looks like Chocolate. Almost dead on. But it's really hard to tell, as in the pic, her face is pressed into the blanket, and no special toes or antenna tail are showing.
Guess who's making a trip to Santa Cruz this weekend to find out in person?
WISH US LUCK. This could turn out to be, as D just remarked, "The best present ever."
An email sent in response to our recent Craigslist ad contained a list of shelter cats at the Santa Cruz County Animal Services. All torties.
The very first picture looks like Chocolate. Almost dead on. But it's really hard to tell, as in the pic, her face is pressed into the blanket, and no special toes or antenna tail are showing.
Guess who's making a trip to Santa Cruz this weekend to find out in person?
WISH US LUCK. This could turn out to be, as D just remarked, "The best present ever."
i am leaving this website (i should have been already archived i don't k now why it takes them so long), but i will be online on aim these days i hope to talk to you...i've been missing you and damon, the last months have been a nightmare for me, sorry i have disappeared like this
speak soon
ps: i didn't know chocolate was missing again, i hope you're gonna find her
Any news on your baby yet?