Cabin in snow, somewhere in Iowa. The kids are heading for bed.
Juliana needs haircut ...badly. Juliana about to die.
No, seriously. I need someone to tell me what to do to my hairs. I would like an actual "style" for once. Who should I go to?
New Year's is a time for change, I guess, so haircuts are one way to go. Everything else in my life is pretty peachy, considering ...
A former lover of mine is going to be sent to Iraq in 3 months. He said, "C'mon Trace, you knew this was going to happen eventually." Yeah, I knew, and he knew, we both knew he represented cannon fodder for the government we both could care less about.
He's always been fucking crazy and was the bane of my existence for quite some time during my younger youth. But what is it about him going to war that unsettles me so much now? No one should have to go. And former lovers should never have to die, not that way.

Juliana needs haircut ...badly. Juliana about to die.
No, seriously. I need someone to tell me what to do to my hairs. I would like an actual "style" for once. Who should I go to?
New Year's is a time for change, I guess, so haircuts are one way to go. Everything else in my life is pretty peachy, considering ...
A former lover of mine is going to be sent to Iraq in 3 months. He said, "C'mon Trace, you knew this was going to happen eventually." Yeah, I knew, and he knew, we both knew he represented cannon fodder for the government we both could care less about.
He's always been fucking crazy and was the bane of my existence for quite some time during my younger youth. But what is it about him going to war that unsettles me so much now? No one should have to go. And former lovers should never have to die, not that way.

I've deduced that you're not in SoCal from your profile. Plus, you have a picture with the Golden Gate in the background. Hmmm...perhaps NORCAL??? One would hope, since it's simply the best, and all the beautiful girls should be here for me to look at . If nothing more.