People is dumb.
Yayyyy! The movie about vain whores and their grandmother is out! Why DO people hate this country, anyway?
There is a Golden Girls movie?
To hang with cooking.
thank you for the comment
Neuters is rough.
Assisted with euthanasia today. Easily the least enjoyable part of the job
Something need happen.
I love your profile picture
kitty kitty
kitty kitty
How difficult is it to use the goddamned blinker or stop at a red FUCK light?! How stupid are these motherfucks that are allowed to drive in this city and try to murder me every day? It's always some scraped and dented piece of shit (usually ford) trying to ram me or pull out in front of me. Just goes to prove they're worthless all...
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Skool . . .
Men are stupid . . . weh weh weh . . . men are jerks . . . bitch bitch bitch. Anyone else hear this stupid ignorant shit on a daily basis? Just because you women want to fuck only STUPID JERKS does not mean you can lump us all in with them. You are the ones fucking up evolution because apparently you think a...
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Guess it's been a while. Turns out i'm relatively well-liked in the workplace. At least more than the little nut stain that tried to start shit with me last night. He's probably gone. Good. Carriers of the Herpes virus shouldn't be serving food anyway.
I can't even claim to know why i'm such a piss bag, aside from the nature and nurture things. I just am not personable and know it, so i keeps the fuck away from people. So whys the hell should i be nice to some perfect, pretty girl who would never take the time to spit on me if she didn't have to work with...
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I know that people are dumb, but sometimes I am just amazed at how dumb they can be.
Sometimes I wonder how some of them make it through their day... Whether that be not injuring themselves, not getting fired, or actually accomplishing anything at all.