Just hanging out killing a few hours before The Generators show tonight. I gotta be at the shop at 5 to help The Last Chordz load up and then be at the venue by 5:30 to help set up the stage and pa. should be a good show. I saw The Queers a couple nights ago and they were fucking awesome! We're gonna co-promoting a couple shows with Numbskull Productions (Leftover Crack on the 8th and Blitz/Total Chaos 11/10). Their staff are nice people but they have a buncha "hanger-on-er losers" as well. Laughable at best. So my car is officially "terminally ill"! So Im in the market for a new one, preferably something cheap that'll last about a year at least.... hopefully I'll have the sense enough to put some cash aside in the event of these unexpected, yet enevitable occurances. So anybody in my part of cali have any leads, by all means, lemme know. So Ive kinda begun a fling of sorts with this really cute death rock/punk girl. We've been seeing a lot of eachother over the last couple weeks. She's a lot younger than me as well, so Im avoiding having any expectations of where its going. Its been fun though. Its all about the moment. Well, that it for me, so till next time! 666

I totally saw you walking down pacific the other day.....
I would have said hi but I was driving