About time for an update I suppose... So the show last night was awesome in so many ways! It was th efirst one Ive put on where everything went smoothly. I couldnt have asked for better results! All the bands were amazing! I had a bigger turn out than I thought. Everyone seemed to have a great time. Of course there was the usual big brawl outside, but at least they waited till after the show was over. This show was probably the last one Im gonna be doing on my own for a couple months, instead I'll be working more with Underground Sound Productions, who puts on tons of shows in the area. With my regualr job, as well the managerial duties I have with the Last Chordz, I stay pretty involved as it is, and I dont mind helping out with Undergound Sound. I really enjoy being part of it actually. USP has a lot of show booked and confirmed including the likes of, The Generators, The Briefs, Blitz, Total Chaos and a whole lot more. hmm... There's a skunk outside my window. its slowly filling my room.... oh well. I wonder if there's any good cartoons on....

Oh you know joe!? Yes, my friends all play in Here Kitty Kitty. My boyfriend is the drummer

see you at the show tonight.