So alls well I suppopse, the shows are going well, with few problems and little drama. I like it that way. I'll be woking more with Underground Sound in August. The Last Chordz played in San Jose with Verbal Abuse last weekend. It was kinda nice being at a show and not having to be the responsible one, haha. Speaking of that, I gotta admit, that ever since I took on this promotional endeavor, Ive become a little "self conscious" so-to-speak. As in I used to be the guy outside drinking and being obnoxious, and starting shit etc... now Im the one breaking up fights, pointing out alternative places to drink, sweeping up and picking up the mess outside the venue after the gig and other random shit.... Its pretty trippy to think about, but not in a bad way. Its pretty cool actually.... Anyway, Im gonna be fucking 36 a week from today!! So I guess now Im officially a dirty old man!

Actually the worst dirty old man comes into my work. He's about 75. The other week he grabbed my pigtails and screamed "Yeeehaw!" at me. I was quite shocked!