Quote from the PunkRock Group, best explanation I've ever read.
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My mom was a punk (hence my screenname) since the tender age of 16. She had me when she was 22, and homeless. She taught me that punk rock is about being open minded, accepting all those willing to accept in return, and even if they aren't, accept anyways and learn to live with it. She taught me that two wrongs don't make a right. If you're closed minded, you're dead-minded. If you are prejudice, you are ignorant and full of fear and misunderstanding...
Basically, she taught me all the things that matter the most on this planet.
Eventually, I grew up in a house full of junkies and criminals, as well as the cleanest most innocent people on Earth. All of different colours, creeds, sexualities, beliefs. But we were all one.
Punk to me is several things. It's just a way of life. To me it's a label for my lifestyle.
"Fuck labels. Labels are for cans!"
Sure. To some extent. But they help you see who you can call a brother or a sister, even if you've never met them before. Up here anyhow. I don't know what the punk subculture is like anywhere else. But here it's about being proud of who you are, no matter what you like, do, or look like - and sharing this feeling with others.
I watched my mom fight for the little guys. She was about 5'5" and 110lbs, but I still remember the time we were walkin' through some alleys and saw about 5 or 6 Nazi-skins beating up some poor black guy, screaming racial slurs.
Stomping out ignorance, any way you can. Uniting the people. Sticking up for minorities.
She showed me how to turn Swastikas into windows, and put "Open Mind" next to it. She showed me how to make "KKK" say "BBK". She told me that I'm allowed to believe whatever I want, and that everyone else is allowed to believe whatever I want. But sometimes when people get hurt because of the way people think, usually based on prejudice... You gotta fight for what's right.
Scream. Kick. Punch. Protest. Write. Create. Unite.
Life's too short to stay pissed off. Or sad. Or anything but fucking blissful.
And to be honest, I get judged because of this.
I'm what lots of people would label "a goof". A lot of people have said that I'm "not punk rock because I don't get active in politics". Sure. That's your opinion. You're entitled to it.
"But you're ignorant."
No, I'm educated. I just don't give a shit.
"You're wasting your time if you're not making a big difference!"
But I'm happier than you, obviously.
I do what I can to make others as happy as can be. I do what I can to unite people. I don't hate. I don't hold grudges. People make mistakes. People grow up. People have moody days. People change. I love unconditionally.
There are people I don't associate myself with. Bigots, racists, sexists, any type of prejudist, fascist, closed minded, supremists, elitists, etc. Sure these things piss me off. But I don't focus my lifestyle around this. I do the opposite and live each day like it's my last. After all, it could be... you know?
I will admit. Things that piss me off do get vented about. I write a lot of "aggressive" music. Lots of it is anti-fascism. Specifically anti-Nazi, 'cause the town I'm in right now, Swastikas are the new brand of choice. It's gross.
But again, the majority of it is happy. Or jokin' around. Enjoying yourself, right?
Also, I don't stomp or fight unless it's absofuckinglutely necessary. Violence is never a good thing. I would rather debate with a Neo Nazi rather than fight him any day. But rarely, you're left no choice. Unfortunately, prejudice people are usually rather unintelligent, they often resort to violence at the first sign of any conflict. And they usually don't make for good debate. A lot of "Fuck off, I don't have to tell you shit" or "I just don't like niggers and Jews 'cause they stink". Idiots.
But still. I'm not full of hate. Just empty on hateful influence. I disassociate myself from shit like this as much as possible.
Conflict isn't needed.
That's why people jump to the conclusion that I'm a poser sometimes. These people have their reasons for jumping to this conclusion sure... But it's wrong to judge. That's all. Since I'm not always pissed off at "the man" or "the system" or "the Bush administration", people assume I'm just a fad-fanatic. They can't be more wrong.
If we had to go by looks. I don't know what you'd call me. In my opinion, I don't really go out of my way to look majorly "punk", even though, to me, punks can and do look like anything and everything. I wear what I like on me. To myself, I dress like an average joe. I got a leather and Chuck Taylors and plaid pants and shit, but that's just me. I've always had these.
Call me what you will. I don't mind. I love you all the fuckin' same.
I am me.
Whatever the fuck you wanna call me. I am a good person.
Sorry for the length.
If it's too long, just take bits at a time! Hahaha!
Anyhow, I should conclude with:
What type of punk am I?
I am me.
To me... "punk", is understanding, caring, fun, unity. No matter what you are, what you do, who you are, what you look like... It's a type of unity too. It's not to be confused with hippie-like "peace, love, the world is one, drop some acid" type stuff. It's more of a brotherhood. Hard to explain. And I've typed way too fucking much already.
I am punk, I feel punk, even if I might have a look that is not so extreme as you can imagine, to the extent that hearing me saying I'm punk could make someone laugh. But that's the point. Punk is evolution and everybody has a personal vision of it. It's not just a trend, but is a way to live, a philosophy in facing life. It's the expression of rage, love, freedom, conventions rejection and fight for your beliefs. It's not anymore just about politics and anarchy like it was labeled during the Sex Pistols and Clash period. I did not lived that time so I cannot pretend to make mine the deepest meanings. I live the Punk of my time. I like powerful music without so many other fucking complications, the meanings hidden behing the lyrics and the motivations behind. Even in my world, sometimes is clear that you don't need to get all the time the highest sound distorsion to make your voice loud and clear.