yes that's right. and after this major break up I'm falling in love again with one of my friends. i don't know exactly how I feel about it, but he is different from any other guys i've ever been with. He makes me laugh, he makes me happy and I feel like everything is in the right place 'n everything is like it should be. It's so easy to relax and feel good when he's around... Hope it's going to be the right time...Finger crossed even if i'm scared to start everything again.
yes that's right. and after this major break up I'm falling in love again with one of my friends. i don't know exactly how I feel about it, but he is different from any other guys i've ever been with. He makes me laugh, he makes me happy and I feel like everything is in the right place 'n everything is like it should be. It's so easy to relax and feel good when he's around... Hope it's going to be the right time...Finger crossed even if i'm scared to start everything again.
Letto il tuo post sul Itgroup
Anch'io faccio +o- il tuo stesso lavoro, I think. Sono direttoreartistico/graphic designer freelance.
Bon courage avec ton noveau copin!