I go to the sea a lot. The Puget Sound is beautiful to say the least, and I have visited it almost every week.
Some of my new friends around here are so talented they like to play with fire and hoop!

Random strangers are sometimes so photogenic.
Low tide is where it's at!

Bananas of friendship!
My obsession with birds is quelled by this photo of a crane and a gull. I love how different birds interact.
Yesterday I had the day off so Matt and I drove all the way to the pacific ocean, about 3 hours from Seattle. Here's a little taste of what I saw
Spooky as hell nuclear power plants
Wide open space!

So many birds
I had to carry my boots and splash around

I wish I could live here or at least visit all the time
Pretty sweet self portrait. I'm not perfect, but I feel pretty anyway.
Here is some recent art crap that i'll spoiler because this post is photo heavy

Some of my new friends around here are so talented they like to play with fire and hoop!

Random strangers are sometimes so photogenic.

Low tide is where it's at!

Spooky as hell nuclear power plants

Here is some recent art crap that i'll spoiler because this post is photo heavy
Go on an adventure ok?

The beach looks so lush! You are so beautiful, your form, your art, your floaty spirity insidey bits 

love the pictures of your trip, love the simple but yet full of love moments, those are the kind of thing that money would never buy, im so glad you can smile at life that way, you are so cool