Good day Suicide Girls and Boys!
A little run down on my life lately. No pictures right now because I havent uploaded any. That will follow shortly.
Things I feel good about-Getting school work done Learning to play guitar and bass oil painting a three panel piece Meeting new people Listening to new music Going to amazing shows, experiencing the Seattle music scene Having support from friends Falling in love Making art compulsively
Things that have been bothering me-Being homesick Never seeing the sun Not having a job still, no matter how hard I try My car being broken, now the headlights are out Having no money at all, not knowing if I can pay for anything important Still having major body image issues and eating problems Not being able to go outside and exercise Being sick still, my throat hurts Losing my cars keys X<
Overall the good things in life are making me happy. I feel great to have a supportive partner again. I'm growing closer to feeling more stable, its just hard when I'm still figuring everything out.
Lately I've been overcome with self loathing, but its a huge struggle to learn to love myself. And not having any money is stressing me out. My car not working is holding me back greatly right now too, and I just feel lost at times.
My physical health I guess is rarely superb, but I'd say it's frustrating to get sick all the time, I still have a lingering cold. But my mental health issues are also being strained due to the fact that I cannot seem to enter proper therapy. I think I could benefit from having a real therapist and real treatment. It's getting harder to deal with all this on my own.
But I'm staying strong. I can't give up now. My GPA is 4.0 and I've been shitting out art like nobody's business. My fingering on the guitar is improving and vocals wise, I'm ready to make some music!
<3 Jules
A little run down on my life lately. No pictures right now because I havent uploaded any. That will follow shortly.
Things I feel good about-
Things that have been bothering me-
Overall the good things in life are making me happy. I feel great to have a supportive partner again. I'm growing closer to feeling more stable, its just hard when I'm still figuring everything out.
Lately I've been overcome with self loathing, but its a huge struggle to learn to love myself. And not having any money is stressing me out. My car not working is holding me back greatly right now too, and I just feel lost at times.
My physical health I guess is rarely superb, but I'd say it's frustrating to get sick all the time, I still have a lingering cold. But my mental health issues are also being strained due to the fact that I cannot seem to enter proper therapy. I think I could benefit from having a real therapist and real treatment. It's getting harder to deal with all this on my own.
But I'm staying strong. I can't give up now. My GPA is 4.0 and I've been shitting out art like nobody's business. My fingering on the guitar is improving and vocals wise, I'm ready to make some music!
<3 Jules
Your art is amazing. You should have your own exhibit somewhere.