Help me get John Stamos to come to come see The Pretty Things Peepshow in Brooklyn this weekend!!!!
On the road we all spend some quality time on twitter and we like following John Stamos. A few days ago we all started talking about how fun it would be if he came to see us at our show at Southpaw in Brooklyn this Saturday. So I sent him and invite via twitter a few people retweeted it so we decided to take this and run with it! Saturday December 19 at Souuthpaw in Brooklyn is John Stamos day and we need your help to get him there. Make him a trending topic on twitter, retweet our invites to him or join our facebook group
Help Get John Stamos to The Prretty Things Peepshow FACEBOOK
Spread the word and if we can get enough of a buzz going I bet we can get Uncle Jesse out to see the best in burlesque and sideshow!!!
Thanks for all your help!

On the road we all spend some quality time on twitter and we like following John Stamos. A few days ago we all started talking about how fun it would be if he came to see us at our show at Southpaw in Brooklyn this Saturday. So I sent him and invite via twitter a few people retweeted it so we decided to take this and run with it! Saturday December 19 at Souuthpaw in Brooklyn is John Stamos day and we need your help to get him there. Make him a trending topic on twitter, retweet our invites to him or join our facebook group
Help Get John Stamos to The Prretty Things Peepshow FACEBOOK
Spread the word and if we can get enough of a buzz going I bet we can get Uncle Jesse out to see the best in burlesque and sideshow!!!
Thanks for all your help!

Done like Christmas Dinner.