This tour has been so rough. Thank god it's almost over. I've learned a lot about touring and running a show. Mainly that I should never assume that because I work hard and care about my show that anyone else will do the same about their own show/tour. Basically, as the saying goes: If you want something done right do it yourself. The only saving grace of being beat up and bankrupt on this hellish excuse for a tour is the girls in my show. Bettina and Angelica Insectavora have stuck by me through this whole ordeal and never once complained about having to drive and load in because we couldn't afford any crew, about playing shows with a horrible band who is nothing but mean and rude to us, about playing to small and sometime non existent crowds because were with a bunch of kuckleheads who don't know how to promote. The got on stage ever day and made me proud. Thanks ladies I couldn't have asked for more skilled performers or better friends. I know the show will be so much better on the next tour and all this hard work will finally pay off.
This week we have 2 shows with just us one is at The Deadhorse in San Angelo TX (show times 9pm and 11pm) the other is at Trunk Space in Phoenix AZ (show at 11) I really hope everyone can come out to see us. We're teaching 2 pin up class next weekend too which will hopefuly get us enough gas money to get home after tour. Classes will be n Tempe AZ Jue 6 and San Diego CA June 7 go to to sign up.
The following week we do one more round of show with the band then we are free to go back to our normal headlining shows where we make money and have fun Those show are
June 9: San Jose, CA - Voodoo Lounge, 14 S 2nd Street
June 10: San Francisco, CA - The Rockit Room, 406 Clements Street
June 11: Sacramento, CA - The Blue Lamp 1400 Alhambra Blvd
June 12: Chico, CA - Lost on Main, 319 Main Street Guest star yo-yo Champion Augie Fash
June 13: Anaheim, CA- Juke Joint, 735 N Anaheim Blvd
June 14: Norco, CA - Pin-Up Class,
We've got a lot of fun stuff coming up this summer and in the fall. Lots of Pin Up Classes and more shows starting in the fall. Keep an eye out for us in a town near you. You may be able to put me down. but you can never hold me back. The Pretty Things Peepshow is here to stay and we'll be back on the road soon with a bigger and better show each time!
This week we have 2 shows with just us one is at The Deadhorse in San Angelo TX (show times 9pm and 11pm) the other is at Trunk Space in Phoenix AZ (show at 11) I really hope everyone can come out to see us. We're teaching 2 pin up class next weekend too which will hopefuly get us enough gas money to get home after tour. Classes will be n Tempe AZ Jue 6 and San Diego CA June 7 go to to sign up.
The following week we do one more round of show with the band then we are free to go back to our normal headlining shows where we make money and have fun Those show are
June 9: San Jose, CA - Voodoo Lounge, 14 S 2nd Street
June 10: San Francisco, CA - The Rockit Room, 406 Clements Street
June 11: Sacramento, CA - The Blue Lamp 1400 Alhambra Blvd
June 12: Chico, CA - Lost on Main, 319 Main Street Guest star yo-yo Champion Augie Fash
June 13: Anaheim, CA- Juke Joint, 735 N Anaheim Blvd
June 14: Norco, CA - Pin-Up Class,
We've got a lot of fun stuff coming up this summer and in the fall. Lots of Pin Up Classes and more shows starting in the fall. Keep an eye out for us in a town near you. You may be able to put me down. but you can never hold me back. The Pretty Things Peepshow is here to stay and we'll be back on the road soon with a bigger and better show each time!
The loser band you're referring to wasn't the loser band at Rockit? God they sucked.