This Sunday (July 27) I'll be hosting a new Rock and Roll party in West Hollywood. It's called SHELTER and it's going to be at FUBAR. It's being put on by a guy named Johnny 99 who used to do one of my favorite parties ever KIS OR KILL. I'm going to be introducing the bands, hanging out, doing an email list and (if I can find a pair or rollerskates today) skating around dressed like roller girl. SLIVER NEEDLE and NANCY FULLFORCE are playing and THE DONNAS are the guest DJ's for the night. The best part about it is it's toatlly FREE to get in so come on down and hang out with me. There's no cover so you've got nothing to loose!
7994 Santa Monica
West Hollywood, CA 90046
Also Bettina and I are teaching some Pin Up Classes in SoCal in August
August 23 in San Diego
August 24 in Los Angeles
You can sign up by going to my website

7994 Santa Monica
West Hollywood, CA 90046

Also Bettina and I are teaching some Pin Up Classes in SoCal in August
August 23 in San Diego
August 24 in Los Angeles
You can sign up by going to my website

Come to Dallas.
One more week until I get to see you, even less actually! I can't wait!!