It's been over a month :0 Holy crap. Updates:
-I'm dating my friend Wyatt. He's amazing, totally accepting, adorable, funny, kind, the sweetest man on planet Earth, and my family loves him. Previous boyfriends have never made such a good impression. Last time he came down to see me we went to my great grandmother's birthday party, and he pretty much met the whole famn-damily. And he did considerably well considering everyone wanted to know who the hell he was. lol.
-The roller derby show I talked about last blog was badass. Small-ish towns around me are trying to come up with their own leagues, and i'm def checking it out once I have some spare time.
-Because of the above (new boyfriend): i'm in Albany a lot. I spent all of last week up there with him, and it was pretty goddamn great. We went to the state museum, hung out, held hands and just did corny shit all day. He also bought a 'new' old school nintendo, and he's been teaching about all the games i missed out on as a kid.
- I found a badass coffee shop up there, and I'm pretty much in love with the whole downtown area. It's probably moving things a little quickly, but i've been thinking about college again, and when I brought it up he suggested I try seeing if i could get accepted into one of the schools up there, and then live with him this Fall.... I really hadn't thought college was going to pan out for me, but the more I think about it, the more i'm realizing I want some kind of degree, and the expierience that comes with it. i don't plan on working min. wage jobs forever.
-Next! I filled out and handed in about 12 applications in the last two weeks. I got my taxes back, and was slammed with knowing I owed $1100 because of the way the pizza place I worked for filed. Fuck them. I worked my ass off for 8 months, and still got screwed. Fuck them. My moms graciously helpng me out with payments until I get enough cash to start paying on my own.
-I now work at Kmart because of my frantic job search. First day was today, and I spent 6 hours watching goddamn safety videos, and then walked through a handbook, which told me the exact same shit. They're giving me part time only.... so i'm still on the look out for soemthing better, or another part timer. SIDENOTE: I don't have to be back until Monday, but my manager didn't really tell me what to wear my first 'official' day on the job. suggestions? -shrugs- I'll probably have to call her.
-really thinking about trying to get a hopeful set shot soon. Soooo, i'm on the hunt for a photographer. If anyone knows someone in the Upstate, Binghamton NY area... gimmie a shout.
Anddd here's what you all give a damn about anyway:

-I'm dating my friend Wyatt. He's amazing, totally accepting, adorable, funny, kind, the sweetest man on planet Earth, and my family loves him. Previous boyfriends have never made such a good impression. Last time he came down to see me we went to my great grandmother's birthday party, and he pretty much met the whole famn-damily. And he did considerably well considering everyone wanted to know who the hell he was. lol.
-The roller derby show I talked about last blog was badass. Small-ish towns around me are trying to come up with their own leagues, and i'm def checking it out once I have some spare time.
-Because of the above (new boyfriend): i'm in Albany a lot. I spent all of last week up there with him, and it was pretty goddamn great. We went to the state museum, hung out, held hands and just did corny shit all day. He also bought a 'new' old school nintendo, and he's been teaching about all the games i missed out on as a kid.
- I found a badass coffee shop up there, and I'm pretty much in love with the whole downtown area. It's probably moving things a little quickly, but i've been thinking about college again, and when I brought it up he suggested I try seeing if i could get accepted into one of the schools up there, and then live with him this Fall.... I really hadn't thought college was going to pan out for me, but the more I think about it, the more i'm realizing I want some kind of degree, and the expierience that comes with it. i don't plan on working min. wage jobs forever.
-Next! I filled out and handed in about 12 applications in the last two weeks. I got my taxes back, and was slammed with knowing I owed $1100 because of the way the pizza place I worked for filed. Fuck them. I worked my ass off for 8 months, and still got screwed. Fuck them. My moms graciously helpng me out with payments until I get enough cash to start paying on my own.
-I now work at Kmart because of my frantic job search. First day was today, and I spent 6 hours watching goddamn safety videos, and then walked through a handbook, which told me the exact same shit. They're giving me part time only.... so i'm still on the look out for soemthing better, or another part timer. SIDENOTE: I don't have to be back until Monday, but my manager didn't really tell me what to wear my first 'official' day on the job. suggestions? -shrugs- I'll probably have to call her.
-really thinking about trying to get a hopeful set shot soon. Soooo, i'm on the hunt for a photographer. If anyone knows someone in the Upstate, Binghamton NY area... gimmie a shout.
Anddd here's what you all give a damn about anyway:

oh my gosh that is very hot!!!!!!