I've decded I'm making a new goal for myself. In highschool I was always the chick that could make everyone laugh, and didn't give a shit, about anything. I had a great time, and so did everyone around me. It seems like since i've moved away from home, I got into a new city, and a GIANT rut in my personality. And i'm tired of it I used to be a ton of fun to go out with....not so much in the last 6 months. There's no reason for it. So, i'm taking a step back, and just being myself again, and say 'fuck everyone' that doesn't like it.
Josh and I went out to one of his friends houses in Winchester for a party last night. Supposedly it was going to be a bunch of peple, none of which we knew.... except for the host. Ok, cool. I'm good with new people, whatever. Haha, upon getting there though I realize I have walked into a classic sausage fest. 6 nerdy guys huddled around a guitar, and a laptop looking up video game trailers. Yep, sounds just like the kind of party Josh would take me to. Haha. Don't worry, no big, I don't mind being the only female. Actually, I do. The first 1/2 hour was spent huddled around that laptop while I started drinking my ass off, and then was soon roped into a game of Kings. I'd never played before, and somehow ended up downing a shit ton more that I had expected. I just pick terrible cards, no matter what game i'm playing. Haha By the time we were 1/2 through the game, more poeple did actually show up, someone of them even with cupcakes

After a little mingling, I even found a bathroom buddy. Or, more she found me. It seems the other thing I commonly do at parties is get tagged as the 'lesbian' without even trying. Seriously, the last couple times i've gone out i've ended up with a drunk girlfriend. Haha, but i'm totally cool with it, and so is the boyfriend. last night went a little further than usual though. And it was a blast. At one point we had our legit party photographer, and maybe 4 other guys egging us on while we teased them in the kitchen. It was awesome. Next time there's a party, we're definitely finding each other. haha. And i'm pretty pumped to see the pictures, so somebody had better send them to me ASAP. Unfortunately my 'girlfriends' boyfriend started getting jealous, and pulled her away

After everything started to wind down Josh and I said our goodbyes and skipped out. We were out of beer, and down to watching someone to 'magic tricks' which I won't lie, is cool as shit for about 5 minutes. But after that... I'm gonna find something better to do. So, we took our drunk asses to 7/11, picked up some beef jerky and screwed around for awhile. It was in there that I realized i'd had on my 'don't give a shit face' all night, and people really responded to it. I didn't worry about being proper, or restrained, I was just real. I was honest to God friendly, and upbeat... I'm definitely making more of an effort to keep that up. Oh, semi-not cool news, I emailed the tattoo shop in town that I want to apprentice at, and they shot me an email back saying they were on vacation, but would be getting back to me next week. So, at least they got back to me. Until then, I'm still looking for a job that doesn't require waitressing and doing pilates like a madman. Haha, that's one of the exercise routines i've always scoffed at, but that shit really works you. And, I guess that's my update for the weekend.
Good luck with the job search! I hope the tattoo shop gets back to you with good news.