Hit a painfully low plateu at the gym and seems to stop making gains and dropping bf as well. For many this is a stopping point or settling time. I want to stay natural though the option of running a cycle or 2 to add some quality mass to my 240lbs is extremely tempting. I ran across a guy named Matt 'Croc' who is a pro power lifter and bodybuilder and had released a book called Insane Training. Started a 16 week piriodization for the big 3(bench, deadlift, and squat) and only 2 weeks in my body started growing again! Even better was muscles not hit in the program started growing as well(peaked biceps for the first time ever), so for anyone else that struggling check out his book, the indepth explanation of lifting forms alone added to my PRs given even trainers and power lifters I know hadn't explained nearly so well how to position the body parts not actively hit during the lifts. Looking forward to turning 32 next year with a bar bending deadlift and squat with hopefully a bench in excess of 315 to go with it.