This weeks bullsheet, stolen from one of my friends on lj, enjoy!:
Paula Abdul. The former pop singer was fined for a hit-&-run traffic violation in December. Shes hoping to do like Halle Berry, and turn this legal episode into a movie career.
Whitney Houston. The pop-diva has returned to rehab. See what being married to Bobby Brown does to you?
Gas Prices. On the rise, yet again; and threatening to go above $3 bucks per gallon once more. Look on the bright side: its makin all us po folks laugh at da bothas who gotta push their bling-bling SUVs to da gas station.
Miss Congeniality. Hi. Im Mr. Uninterested.
American Idol. Last week, the wrong number was given out to voters. Some poor old lady in Pasadena was bombarded with phone calls, makin me wonder if she can repeat I dont know who Ryan Seacrest is! millions of times.
Michael Jackson. Havent they found him guilty yet?!?
The Pope. Due to his continued ailing health, His Holiness was given a feeding tube. And over here in The States, Terry Shiavo reportedly asked, Heywhere can I get one othose?
Johnny Cochran Jr. The lawyer made famous by O.J. Simpsons murder case passed away this week. News of his death now has both high-profile and would-be criminals everywhere second-guessing whether or not they should still commit crimes.
Spike T.V. Theyre running a Three Stooges marathon today. Guess they figure any jobless guy who stays on the couch to watch these film shorts for nine hours straight can relate.
Baseball Season. They Boys Of Summer throw out their first pitches on April 5th. Nobody recognizes The Dodgers; and no one knows what to call the Angels.
Stressful and over productive week, we transform our trayline into roomservice this weekend. I'm excited and nervous, my boss is the same way. Wish me luck because it's gonna be a rollercoaster for me for the next week. Until then I leave you with this picture of me at the last SGLA dinner outing, what is it with my love for the gherkin?
p.s. - For those of you who didn't get it....... (which there are a few) I am NOT pregnant, it was my lil' april fools day gag. uhm. ha. ha. ha?
Paula Abdul. The former pop singer was fined for a hit-&-run traffic violation in December. Shes hoping to do like Halle Berry, and turn this legal episode into a movie career.
Whitney Houston. The pop-diva has returned to rehab. See what being married to Bobby Brown does to you?
Gas Prices. On the rise, yet again; and threatening to go above $3 bucks per gallon once more. Look on the bright side: its makin all us po folks laugh at da bothas who gotta push their bling-bling SUVs to da gas station.
Miss Congeniality. Hi. Im Mr. Uninterested.
American Idol. Last week, the wrong number was given out to voters. Some poor old lady in Pasadena was bombarded with phone calls, makin me wonder if she can repeat I dont know who Ryan Seacrest is! millions of times.
Michael Jackson. Havent they found him guilty yet?!?
The Pope. Due to his continued ailing health, His Holiness was given a feeding tube. And over here in The States, Terry Shiavo reportedly asked, Heywhere can I get one othose?
Johnny Cochran Jr. The lawyer made famous by O.J. Simpsons murder case passed away this week. News of his death now has both high-profile and would-be criminals everywhere second-guessing whether or not they should still commit crimes.
Spike T.V. Theyre running a Three Stooges marathon today. Guess they figure any jobless guy who stays on the couch to watch these film shorts for nine hours straight can relate.
Baseball Season. They Boys Of Summer throw out their first pitches on April 5th. Nobody recognizes The Dodgers; and no one knows what to call the Angels.
Stressful and over productive week, we transform our trayline into roomservice this weekend. I'm excited and nervous, my boss is the same way. Wish me luck because it's gonna be a rollercoaster for me for the next week. Until then I leave you with this picture of me at the last SGLA dinner outing, what is it with my love for the gherkin?
p.s. - For those of you who didn't get it....... (which there are a few) I am NOT pregnant, it was my lil' april fools day gag. uhm. ha. ha. ha?
am I going to see you in LA this end of April?
She came back telling me how she once hadone of her friends leave a message on her boyfriend's cell phone from "planned parenthood" saying that her test results had come back positive and they needed to come as soon as possible.