STRIP CLUBS, SEX, NOSTALGIAand everything in between.
I worked all weekend but you wouldn't have guessed it by all the extra curricular activities I was doing. Now I burnt my candle at both ends, oops.
Still gotta get my oil changed and get my car washed, why the fuck do they always try and rape you for a new air filter when you get your oil changed?
I'm going to the pizza dinner tonight then I am most likely gonna go see my old friend.
OH!!!!! Guess who's gonna be PAR-ENTS!!!
And on a lighter note, if the gardner doesn't stop using his leaf blower right under my window every morning on my days off he is gonna find it (motor and all) shoved up his fucking coolo and turned on reverse.
I worked all weekend but you wouldn't have guessed it by all the extra curricular activities I was doing. Now I burnt my candle at both ends, oops.
Still gotta get my oil changed and get my car washed, why the fuck do they always try and rape you for a new air filter when you get your oil changed?
I'm going to the pizza dinner tonight then I am most likely gonna go see my old friend.
OH!!!!! Guess who's gonna be PAR-ENTS!!!
And on a lighter note, if the gardner doesn't stop using his leaf blower right under my window every morning on my days off he is gonna find it (motor and all) shoved up his fucking coolo and turned on reverse.
Do leaf blowers have a reverse function? I hope so!
haha, damn leaf blowers... it was nice hanging out for a bit last night.