This Cinderella has lost 10 pounds! I don't know how but I have...... maybe if I keep it up and do some crunches I can have my old tummy back!
I LOVE the rain, but I can't stand driving in it. It scares me to bits. I was driving home and the rain was coming in sheets. I wanted to pull over but damn if I didn't stick to it and just get the hell home. Got home and took a hot, steamy, scented bath with candles and incense...... it was delicious. Satin sheets and a huge down comforter made it all even better.
Work is great but it has been slightly crummy the last couple of days. It's hard to take charge of the kitchen when you aren't exactly a supervisor. My bosses expect me to take charge of my co-workers because they have been busy getting ready for our new hotel-style room service. I have been told to keep people busy and make sure all the work gets done. I write up the prep list and put the names of people next to certain tasks they need to do. If they finish their task then I will add their name to another one. Such is the case with one of my co-workers. When I told him, "Stanley can you please double check the list." He yells across the kitchen to me, "Well lookie here we have a new supervisor!" I just stared at him for a minute and then said, "Please just finish what you need to do on the list." and walked away. Needless to say he did not complete his task. I guess I will have to sit in with my boss tomorrow and talk a few things out with him like, "I appreciate the chance to gain more responsibilities because I know this is stuff I am going to have to do when I am made a supervisor, but for now if you want me to be able to run the kitchen as I have been doing you need to explain to my co-workers that you have put me in charge of delegating tasks......." yadda yadda yadda. Hopefully he will listen, he usually does. I seriously have the best bosses in the world.
I need some cuddles. I am looking forward to Disneyland with SG and the 11th of Nov. I think those things are whats keeping my spirits lifted right now.
Hope everyone is well too.
I LOVE the rain, but I can't stand driving in it. It scares me to bits. I was driving home and the rain was coming in sheets. I wanted to pull over but damn if I didn't stick to it and just get the hell home. Got home and took a hot, steamy, scented bath with candles and incense...... it was delicious. Satin sheets and a huge down comforter made it all even better.
Work is great but it has been slightly crummy the last couple of days. It's hard to take charge of the kitchen when you aren't exactly a supervisor. My bosses expect me to take charge of my co-workers because they have been busy getting ready for our new hotel-style room service. I have been told to keep people busy and make sure all the work gets done. I write up the prep list and put the names of people next to certain tasks they need to do. If they finish their task then I will add their name to another one. Such is the case with one of my co-workers. When I told him, "Stanley can you please double check the list." He yells across the kitchen to me, "Well lookie here we have a new supervisor!" I just stared at him for a minute and then said, "Please just finish what you need to do on the list." and walked away. Needless to say he did not complete his task. I guess I will have to sit in with my boss tomorrow and talk a few things out with him like, "I appreciate the chance to gain more responsibilities because I know this is stuff I am going to have to do when I am made a supervisor, but for now if you want me to be able to run the kitchen as I have been doing you need to explain to my co-workers that you have put me in charge of delegating tasks......." yadda yadda yadda. Hopefully he will listen, he usually does. I seriously have the best bosses in the world.
I need some cuddles. I am looking forward to Disneyland with SG and the 11th of Nov. I think those things are whats keeping my spirits lifted right now.
Hope everyone is well too.
I'm exactly the opposite. I love sunny weather, but it's fun as hell driving in the rain. Prolly cause I only drive when no one else is on the roads. Except for when I'm drivingto work, but then I'm just getting there and I'm always focused on just that and not crashing is a big part of getting somewhere safe so I'm always safe when I'm going to work. But at 2am that's usually a different story. My car is a desiel so it doesn't matter if I hit puddles way fast cause the engine wont stall since theres no distributor to get water in. So I always gas it hard and hit em as fast as I can n toss water 30 feet in the air. It always makes me giggle.
When I was working at taco bell I fully took that place over. I made it a point to my bosses that if they promoted me I'd quit. But I can never just stop being a manager so I'd always tell everyone, including the bosses what to do. If i told someone to do something and they'd say "well you're not the boss" I'd just say "well you got a better idea of what you should do?". They never did so they just did what I told them. If you reason with the employees and make sense, usually they'll do it. Cause they have two options, do what is the best thing or do something dumb. And if they'd decide onthe latter I'd just say 'look that's dumb and here's why" and they'd either agree or they'd just quit arguing and say "ok fine, I'll do it, just shut up."