Sorry gang. Turns out they (bravo) wanted a chef already working with a family. I told them to keep my number in case they need me for anything.
Thanks for the well wishes, I appreciated it!
In other news:
5 days off! I return to work Wed. where I will be the sous chef for the next month while my sous chef is on vacation. Will I get paid for the extra work? No. Will I get promoted sometime within the next year? Yes.
So it's all worthwhile, trust me.
Sleep is a good thing, I love sleep. So why am I not getting enough of it? Odd duck.
I like someone, I'm waiting for lightning to strike. heh.
As the world turns.
over and over and over again.

In other news:
5 days off! I return to work Wed. where I will be the sous chef for the next month while my sous chef is on vacation. Will I get paid for the extra work? No. Will I get promoted sometime within the next year? Yes.
So it's all worthwhile, trust me.
Sleep is a good thing, I love sleep. So why am I not getting enough of it? Odd duck.
I like someone, I'm waiting for lightning to strike. heh.
As the world turns.
over and over and over again.
aw sucks about the program, but at least you get to sleep in for a bit. and that is priceless

It sucks about the program, I tried to get onto Canada's next top chef, but they wouldn't take contestants from Canada. That is what really sucks. Hell's Kitchen won't take Canadians either.