I've been spending a most ecxellent weekend with my "husband" (inside joke). Saturday afternoon I got my hair styled and colored (blue extensions) and then I headed on over to his place. We went out to Black Angus where we proceeded to sit through a 2 hour dinner. It took us a half hour just to get the salads..... the place wasn't even that busy. pathetic. After that we went to a couple of his haunts to have some drinks and play some ping pong. It was a pretty cold night, but not as bad as I thought it would be. Today, in a couple hours we are going out to brunch with his family and then a little shopping at guitar center. It was just nice to get away for the weekend. Although fridays work wasn't that bad (I was excepting it to be as hideous as it was last week) and looking forward to this weekend really made it fly by.
I'm a happy Juju, life is good.
Brunch at Slidebar was awesome. The food was great and I met some of his co workers and a couple of the band members from Lit. I forgot how much I love his family, I always feel comfortable with them like I'm part of their family. His dad and I like poking fun at him, he is a good sport, and an even better friend.
I'm a happy Juju, life is good.
Brunch at Slidebar was awesome. The food was great and I met some of his co workers and a couple of the band members from Lit. I forgot how much I love his family, I always feel comfortable with them like I'm part of their family. His dad and I like poking fun at him, he is a good sport, and an even better friend.
Ooooh, blue hair extensions! Pretty! 
